Part 67: Episode 6: Part 9: Mischief Unfolds At The Dinner Party In No Small Part Due To Rhue.
Episode 6: Part 9: Mischief Unfolds At The Dinner Party In No Small Part Due To Rhue.
So on the second floor, I steal a rope I never use. There's at least two solutions to a couple problems here and I have no idea what the rope is for.

"Being the fashion queen of this city I can't help but notice that you're wearing the same clothes you used in the show."

Here, take my card, and come an see me at my shop sometime. We famous people need to stick together you know.

Nameless, they say of he.
No word to claim as his own
No place to call his home.
Nameless, they say of he.
No memories to call his own.
No grave to rest his bones.

CASTOR: This leaf brought to mind an old legend about the incident that I heard once.
Many believe that the Landorin Massacre marked the birth of Phantom Slasher.
Others believe it simply marks the Phantom's arrival from the Reaches where the Phantom was most likely born.

CASTOR: The Lord Below, the Lord of the Pits, the Evil One, whatever you like to call him.
How this occurs I do not know. Maybe it doesn't really occur at all.
Perhaps the origins of the Phantom Slasher will never really be known.
Why some people point out the Landorin Massacre as the birth place I do not know.
The Landorin Massacre stands out only because of the lack of remains, and because all of the victims were children.
This is odd especially when you consider that in many massacres linked to the Phantom Slasher, young children were usually unharmed.
A guy told us the same thing way back in Episode 2, before anyone had put a name to the Phantom Slasher.

Castor: Yep.
We go and enter Icabods bed room.

He has his own bath too. That switch turns on the steam function apparently. We wont be using it, since it's for the other path through this that nets you strikes unavoidably. Let's go back downstairs.


ICABOD: They're serving the cake already?!

Icabod grabs the other cake and goes to eat it in his... study? For some reason. It's a dinner party. What the fuck are you going to do to that cake that has to be hidden from sight?

Can you see those green pixels surrounding Vera? Whenever she moves around, those disappear and reappear frame to frame. I guess whoever made her sprite fucked up on their transparency.

I doubt there's anyway to get into there without being noticed.

If you help me, then I'll help you.

We actually wont be speaking to Vera since her way of handling the theft is worse for us. But I'll give a brief summary because it's a bit amusing. The favor she wants us to do is to steal an item from the old woman, Adelia. Adelia has it sealed in her unpickpocketable pocket on her dress. So we have to steal the whole dress somehow. Rhue talks to Adelia and before long Adelia suggests they take a bath together. When she's naked in the tub, Rhue turns the steam on high and steals the dress and then hightails it. After that Vera just distracts Icabod so Rhue can pickpocket the basement key from him. After that Vera lockpicks the vault and the result is -largely- the same as the way we'll be doing it.
Anyway, time to finally give our date her drink.


It seems to involve a lot of stepping back and forth and then stepping around the people next to you.


Especially if you're with someone special.

ICABOD: No, take it upstairs to the main guest room.
GUARD: You always do this... You tell me to take it upstairs, and then you change your mind and make me move it to the basement.
Frankly this thing is very heavy and I don't want to be moving it more than I have too (SIC). Especially not up some stairs.
ICABOD: You'll do as you're told, or you will find a new job. Do you understand?
GUARD: *grumble*
ICABOD: Take it upstairs and guard it until I give you further instructions.
GUARD: *grumble* Yes sir.
The Guard leaves and we can do as we wish again. A couple things stand out.

Dammit Rhue!!! An NPC told us at the very start of Episode 5. I wonder if this line is different if you don't talk to that guy.

We go off looking for a reminder then, because of our leaky brain protagonist.

"Here it is. A harbringer is, "One who sends others on ahead.""
We go and tell Alan just that and get a Heart Stone for our troubles.

Let's go find Celestria.

Looks like Lun missed this event when he handed out facesets for 2.0

CELESTRIA: It's all right, it takes a lot of time and effort to become refined and classy.
In regard to your question, No, cross patterns are not currently stylish.
However, I would expect them to begin making a comeback in the near future..

And then back to that woman downstairs.

WOMAN: Bless your heart! I was just about to make a huge fashion error!
Take this Heart Stone as a token of my thanks.
One last thing...

"They refuse to open the door to let me get something I have stored inside. This is ridiculous!"

The woman screams...

And the couple runs out of the house.

This is probably my favourite use of this line.

VASHTI: I wish there was some way I could thank you...

VASHTI: How about I give you this exquisite matchbox and we call it even?

VASHTI: There's two. I suppose I already used the rest.

These matches will prove useful. Both of them.

This actually counts as a strike, and its the sole one that nets you a reward, sooo...
The second floor has the two guest rooms. The guard is standing in the door of the one with the chest in it. We head into the room opposite it...

You can't take Rhue anywhere.

You CAN chuck it out the window, where it makes an awful racket and it sounds like stuff breaks but instead you want to...

And then...

This is so silly.

"Sorry, I had to take the Outworld portal stone. Hope you don't mind too much."


VASHTI: Oh Rhue, there you are. Your date was looking for you.

VASHTI: I think she's upstairs somewhere.
We find her out on the balcony...

ICABOD: The man standing next to you stole my Outworld portal stone!

ICABOD: Lies!!! Arrest him! We'll see what the high court has to say about this!

Rhue immediately draws his sword. There's a pause.

ICABOD: Seize him!! Seize him at once!!

Oh, I see how it is. You're all big, bad, and tough until someone like me comes along who you can't push around so easily.
Why don't you boys move aside and let Icabod and I settle this, man to fat slob.
GUARD #1: I'm not getting paid enough...
GUARD #2: Me neither...
GUARD #1: Let's go...
They both leave, and Icabod goes to follow them...

Rhue shoves Icabod against the railing.

He shoves Icabod against the other railing.

And we fade out from here...
Next time, Rhue goes to court!
the end